Press Submit
A holistic approach to college readiness for high school students
Press Submit: Tiers of Focus
Tier 1 – Music and Mindfulness
The Mindful Music Program, founded by Tamara Williams, merges quality music instruction with mindfulness techniques meant to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. By incorporating these techniques into the lesson, students of all ages will learn how to become more proficient at their instrument, develop a mindful creative practice, and manage their mental and emotional well-being through the arts.
Tier 2 – Social and Emotional Wellness
This social and emotional component develops the process of self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills. From effective problem-solving to emotion management, this approach provides a foundation for positive, long-term effects on scholars and communities.
Tier 3 – Community Connections
The community connections allows students to collaboratively engage with their college readiness community and build shared learning experiences in their college readiness community. By collectively reflecting on and regulating their own learning process, students learn to think critically and to clearly communicate their thoughts to others.